Complaints to HMCTS probate service

I have just joined to forum to seek advice regarding current probate application that commenced in May 2023.
The PA1P was accepted in June 2023 and the issue started when HMCTS did not scan all of the PA1P and missed out 6.6. Values - this was not communicated until October 2023.
As soon as I received the request, the information was provided by a company that submitted the PA1P on that day by email - within the email it stated that failure to scan a full PA1P was a well non HMCTS processing issue.
It was not until February2024 following numerous calls, complaint and contact with my MP that HMCTS responded and said that the information provided by a third party (the company that filed in the PA1P) could not be accepted as it was an individual application.
Information was again sent and has been confirmed accepted in a letter from HMCTS.
April 2024 - no updates

Question - what can I do next? I have complained to HMCTS and got nowhere

Threaten Judicial Review and a mandatory order. I have done this recently with HMLR and action was precipitate. In fact all I did was write a letter of complaint and enclose a copy of the JR Pre-Action Protocol without even referring to it.

A public body after being given notice of a problem in relation to the non-performance of its duty but then failed to respond in good time is in the firing line. The longer the default period, the more likely the court will make a mandatory order. Failure to comply with a mandatory order is a contempt of court.

See R (oao Imam) [2023] UKSC 45 paras 68 and 69

Jack Harper