Amended date of Will by hand

Hello all,

I have a client who has amended who has crossed out 2022 and hand wrote the date they signed their Will 23/12/2023 next to it.

Their amendment isn’t witnessed. What will the impact of this be at the Probate Registry? Has anyone come across something similiar.

Best wishes

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I have often seen wills where the printed date was, say, 2022 and the will was signed early in 2023, where the testator crossed out 2022 and substituted 2023 without this being witnessed. The Probate Registry never raised any query about this, as it was obvious that whoever had prepared the will had done so in 2022 but that the testator had not got around to signing it until early 2023. However, in your case the fact that the will was not signed until December 2023 might raise a query.

Cliona O’Tuama


Yes, I’ve had the same experience as @ClionaOTuama FWIW.