I am dealing with the estate of W. She died in March 2024, with a Net Estate of £511,440. We have £310,500 NRB available due to PETS. We can also claim £95,000 RNRB for 50% share of residential property. W’s husband died in 2013 leaving a net estate of £326,851.48. Only £50,000 attracted spousal exemption by way of a cash legacy, the rest (including the property was left to H’s children) and so we know we can only claim the proportion of unused NRB, c.£50k The question is, can we claim TRNRB? I have read conflicting and differing opinions on this.
As H’s death occurred before 6 April 2017 (ie at a time when the RNRB did not exist) it is available for transfer [IHTA 1984 8G(3)].
Malcolm Finney