Disabled Persons Trusts (TRS)

I thought I was correct in that Disabled Persons Trust does not need to be registered with the TRS and the guidance on the Gov.Uk website says as much.

It was set up in 2022 with £10 and is sat in wait in readiness to receive funds on mother’s death. There isn’t a reporting requirement since it only holds £10.

Is there a requirement for there to be a Vulnerable Persons Election ? There seems to be aspects that are at odds here you see – they specifically don’t have to register but my understanding is that the trustees need to claim the relief for a disabled person’s trust every year and this can only be done on the trust tax return for which you need a UTR and you only get this be registering!

Any guidance appreciated!

Looking at TSEM3450 and the surrounding pages, I had understood the VPE1 was only needed when the special tax treatment was being claimed so you wouldn’t need it yet.

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