Grant de Bonis Non Administratis

Does anyone have a blank copy of the Cap A5C form that they are prepared to share with me? It is only available in paper format from HMRC and I have requested one but I am not sure when I am going to receive it and note that in previous threads the form can take up to 3 months to arrive!

Thank you

Leyla Whitlingum
Phillips Law

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I recently used a PA1A to apply for a de bonus grant - fee £20. Mind you I have not yet had a response from Newcastle but it was only sent a month or so ago.

Patrick Moroney

I have got one that was scanned to me when I made an appeal on another forum. If you can let me have your email somehow I’ll send it over

Thank you, Joyce, that would be very kind of you. Can you email it to ?

Happy Christmas!


Just a note. A recent bonis non application or mine generated the following requisition, albeit the application was submitted in July:

“We require a completed IHT205 showing the un-administered estate, not cap A5C as the first grant was an excepted estate. (CAP A5C forms are used for applications where the 1st grant required a full inland revenue account to be submitted).”

I queried which version of the 205, because the subject of the grant died in 2000, and also if, to expedite matters a little, if we could sign on applicants behalf. The very prompt and helpful response (from the wonderful Liverpool DPR was:

“The later version (2011) will be fine.

We require a completed IHT205 signed by both applicants or the legal representative named at 1.20 of PA1P and if the latter the following will apply:

the names and personal details of the applicants are shown on the declaration page

the account has been seen by all the legal personal representatives and they all agree to be bound by the declaration

the agent includes the following statement at question 13:

‘As the agent acting on their behalf, I confirm that all the people whose names appear on the declaration page of this Inheritance Tax Return have both seen the Inheritance Tax Return and agreed to be bound by the declaration on page 8 of the form IHT205.’

This can be returned by email attachment.”

This we did same day (2nd December), grant issued next day - although we have yet to actually receive it…perhaps it will be a New Year surprise gift when we open the post on Tuesday.


would you be so kind and let me have a clean copy of the CAP A5C form for my de bonis non application?