HMRC CG Manual Censored or Cancelled

The CG Manual has been removed . The Entire Thing! Have the Stasi finally Lost The Plot? Why can’t they leave it up until the new version is ready.?

Jack Harper

One further reason for denying it the status of a statute……

I have just been looking at the CGT Manual.

Malcolm Finney

Thank you Malcolm. I did check again earlier this morning. I can now access it.

As I was seeking to finesse s87I onwards I thought my keystrokes had been hacked by the Lubyanka in the Strand

Jack Harper

The only update since the CG Manual went down and came back up is apparently that for 23 April:

“CG11730 - Chargeable assets: legal and beneficial ownership. This page has been archived.”

Jack Harper

What has happened in this case is that the text of CG11730 has been moved to CG1700P. There seems to be a policy of consolidation in progress, so there are, or will be, fewer pages but each page will be longer. The text in question is that under the heading " TCGA92/S1 (1)".

You can see past versions of HMRC’s corner of and before that of their website at National Archives. This includes their manuals once you have recalled how to find your way around the old website. Archive Timeline - UK Government Web Archive