S.27 Trustee Act Notices

We have an estate where there are several properties in different areas. The Executor has asked me to proceed with the Statutory Advertisements. Do I need to do a separate notice in each area where a property is owned, or just where the deceased was residing (in addition to the London Gazette)?

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Martyn Dixon
Harold Bell & Co.

I believe that s27 does not refer to local newspapers, but to those
circulating in the district where the land is situate. So it should suffice
to place a notice in a county or national paper, if that covers all
properties concerned [as well as the London Gazette]. This should reduce
the total cost.

Many years ago, I was advised by an advertising agency of the costs per
line in what they considered to be suitable papers; the most expensive
being the Sun, the cheapest being the Morning Star. However, remember that
s27 is merely a potential shield so if a claim is contested the court will
decide if the PRs are protected - which will include whether sufficient
steps were taken to notify potential claimants. It may also consider the
claims date - as the section refers to a notice it may be that the same
date should be stipulated in all advertisements, being at least 2 months
after the last publication date.

Do also remember that s27 notices are intended to protect only PRs/Trustees
as such - so could be a waste of time and money if the PRs/Trustees are
also beneficiaries, perhaps serving only to “flush out” possible claims in
a case where these may be feared, but are uncertain.

Kevin Mullen