Style Deed of Appointment and Resignation

Hello, this question relates to straightforward lifetime discretionary trusts governed by English law - I am looking for a style or template Deed of Appointment and Resignation of Trustees for use in the following circumstances -

  1. the settlor, who is also a trustee,has power of appointment of trustees in terms of the trust deed and is still alive. Two of the trustees wish to resign, and it has been agreed that one new trustee will be appointed to act along with the settlor

  2. the settlor did have power of appointment but is now deceased. The two surviving trustees wish to appoint two new trustees and resign.

My problem is that I am currently dealing with several such trusts and have seen as many different wordings as there are cases. As I am qualified only in Scots law it would be helpful to find a source of reliable, acceptable styles and I wonder if there is such a thing. If there is I would very much appreciate being pointed in the right direction.

I hasten to add that I will not be giving advice on English law to any third parties but I do have dealings with their solicitors and wish to have a preferred template which I can ask them to use as the basis for the necessary DOAR.

Thank you in advance to anyone who might be able to help

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